Tuesday, June 5, 2007


From Wednesday to Sunday, I will be going back to school... for my own graduation week and ceremonies. Although I have technically graduated with a MBA, this is the official "hooding" ceremony, where the large sash-like object is put over my head, symboling my new ability to bear the brunt of business world.

Or so I like to believe.

I am a big fan of ceremonies, both for the memories and for the clear delineation of an end to one aspect of your life and the beginning of another.

While I can't wait to see old school buddies, and have fun at all the graduation week festivities, I am a bit worried about how to account for the expenses according to my budget. Maybe I should start contributing monthly to a "big event" fund, that I can deduct for birthdays, travel, and other large expensive items.

A quick glance at the expected costs:

Round-trip gas: $100
Food: $15 / daily, $60
Drinks: $15 / daily, $60
Saturday Night: $250, dinner for family
Graduation memorabilia: $100

All totaled: $570

It's going to be a financially rough, but emotionally fun week.

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